Rheolau Newydd Hunan Ynysu / New Rules for Self Isolation
Annwyl Rieni a Gwarcheidwaid,
Yr wythnos diwethaf fe wnaeth Prif Weinidog Cymru Mark Drakeford gyhoeddi newid yn y rheol ar gyfer hunan ynysu. Mae'r wybodaeth newydd i gyd i chi isod yn y fersiwn Saesneg.
Diolch am eich cefnogaeth,
Mr M Tomos
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Last week the First Minister of Wales Mark Drakeford announced slight changes to the self isolation rules. All the information is below.
- New Welsh Government guidance is that adults who are fully vaccinated and children and young people aged five to 17 should self-isolate until they have received a negative PCR test if someone in their household has symptoms or tests positive for Covid-19.
- People who are not vaccinated will still have to self-isolate for 10 days following contact with someone who has tested positive, including close contacts outside of their household.
- If someone in your household tests positive, you too will need to self-isolate until you have taken a PCR test. If that test is negative you no longer have to isolate.
- If it is positive, you too will have to isolate.
- You will also need to isolate while you await your test appointment and result
Thank you for your support,
Mr M Tomos