Late/Absence Procedures
Prydlondeb a Phresenoldeb
Rydym yn monitro prydlondeb a phresenoldeb yn ofalus. Rhaid i bawb sydd yn cyrraedd yn hwyr arwyddo'r llyfr prydlondeb (tu allan i'r swyddfa) gan nodi rheswm.
Cofiwch fod mynychu'r ysgol yn rheolaidd yn dyngedfennol os yw plant i elwa o bob cyfle mae'r ysgol yn ei gynnig.
Mae caniatad i blentyn fod yn absennol am y rhesymau canlynol:-
- Salwch, triniaeth feddygol neu ddeintyddol.
- Gwyliau crefyddol
- Argyfwng teuluol.
Os na fydd disgybl yn gallu mynychu'r ysgol am resymau dilys, dylir ffonio'r ysgol cyn 08:45 y bore. Pan fydd y disgybl yn dychwelyd i'r ysgol gofynnir am nodyn i esboniad am yr absenoldeb. Gellir danfon nodyn gyda'r disgybl wrtho iddo/iddi ddychwelyd i'r ysgol. Gofynnir am hyn yn ychwanegol i'r alwad ffon. Rhaid pwysleisio mai dim ond am resymau dilys (gweler uchod) y gellir cofnodi marc absenoldeb gydag awdurdod. Bydd unrhyw rheswm arall yn derbyn marc absenoldeb heb ganiatad.
Os na fydd disgybl yn bresennol yn yr ysgol a'r rhiant/gwarchodwr heb hysbysu'r ysgol am yr absenoldeb y disgybl yna fe fydd yr ysgol yn anfon neges destun yn gofyn iddynt gysylltu gyda'r ysgol. Os na fydd galwad ffon wedi ei wneud o fewn yr awr yna fe fydd yr ysgol yn ffonio'r rhiant/gwarcheidwad i holi am absenoldeb y disgybl.
Ni roddir caniatad bellach i ddisgyblion fod yn absennol o'r ysgol i fynd ar wyliau. Bydd unrhyw gyfnod o absenoldeb, ar wahan i salwch, gwyliau crefyddol neu argyfwng teuluol, yn cael ei gyfrif fel absenoldeb heb ganiatad.
Punctuality and Attendance
Regular school attendance and punctuality is vital if pupils are to benefit from the opportunities the school has to offer.
We ask you kindly to sign the late book outside the office and noting the reason for the lateness.
Absences may be authorised for:-
* illness, medical or dental treatment
* religious holidays
* domestic emergencies
If your child is unable to attend school, you should phone before 8:45 in the morning. When your child returns to school, we ask for a note to explain the period of absence. You can send the note with your child as he / she returns to school. We ask for this in addition to a phone call. We must emphasise that we can only give an authorised absence mark for the right reasons e.g. sickness. All other absences are recorded as unauthorised.
Permission is no longer granted for children to be absent due to holidays. Any period of absence, apart from sickness, Religious holidays and family emergencies will be marked as an unauthorised absence.
Late pick up from schools – information for parents/carers
Arriving late to collect your child from school can be extremely distressing for them.
You are expected to collect your child promptly at the end of the school day. We realise there may be occasions when you may be late arriving due to traffic etc… in these circumstances, please contact the school office immediately so we can let your child know and make appropriate arrangements.
If you are regularly late for school pick up then school will have to address this issue with you. In the first instance we will discuss this with you and endeavour to support you if you are experiencing any difficulties. If this continues we will issue you with a warning letter outlining that regular late picks up will have a negative impact upon your child’s emotional wellbeing and if it continues then school will have to follow Local Authority Child Protection Procedures.