Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol / Additional Learning Needs
"Mae pob athro yn athro ar blant ag anghenion addysgol arbennig"
Cod Ymarfer Anghenion Addysgol Arbennig i Gymru 5.2, 6.2
“All teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs”
Special Educational Needs Code of Practice for Wales 5.2, 6.2
Darpariaeth ADY ALN Provison Ysgol Glan Morfa.mp4
Mae Ysgol Glan Morfa yn gwerthfawrogi galluoedd a chyflawniadau pob disgybl ac wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu'r amgylchedd gorau ar gyfer dysgu i bob disgybl, ac i gael gwared ar rwystrau i gyfranogi dysgu.
Rydym yn darparu addysgu o ansawdd uchel sydd wedi'i wahaniaethu a'i bersonoli ac sy'n diwallu anghenion plant. Mae gennym uchelgeisiau uchel, rydym yn gosod targedau uchelgeisiol, ac yn olrhain cynnydd pob disgybl.
Rydym yn annog ac yn cefnogi disgyblion i gyrraedd eu potensial llawn a byddwn yn meithrin lles, hunan-barch cadarnhaol a llwyddiant.
Rydym yn cydnabod y bydd gan lawer o ddisgyblion anghenion dysgu ychwanegol neu wahanol ar ryw adeg yn ystod eu bywyd ysgol.
Rydym yn cynnig amgylchedd cynhwysol sy'n sicrhau bod pob disgybl gwaeth beth fo'u rhyw, diwylliant, cefndir cymdeithasol neu angen, yn rhan o gymuned gefnogol a gofalgar.
Ysgol Glan Morfa values the abilities and achievements of all pupils and is committed to providing the best environment for learning for each pupil, and to removing barriers to participation and learning.
We provide high quality teaching that is differentiated and personalised and that meets the needs of children. We have high ambitions, set challenging targets, and track the progress of all pupils.
We encourage and support pupils to reach their full potential and will nurture well-being, positive self-esteem and success.
We recognise that many pupils will have additional or different learning needs at some time during their school life.
We offer an inclusive environment that ensures all pupils irrespective of gender, culture, social background or need, form part of a supportive and caring community.
Am fwy o wybodaeth neu gyngor pellach, siaradwch ag athro dosbarth eich plentyn neu cysylltwch â'n Arweinydd Cynhwysiant a Lles:
For further information or advice, please speak to your child’s class teacher or contact our Inclusion and Wellbeing Lead:
Mr A Jones (