Noson Rieni / Parents Evening
Mae ein system nosweithiau rhieni newydd ar-lein ar agor! Os ydych wedi rhoi eich ebost i'r swyddfa fe ddylsech dderbyn linc i'ch ebost (gwiriwch eich ffolder junk rhag ofn). Cliciwch ar y linc a dewis yr amser mwyaf cyfleus i chi. Efallai y bydd rhai ohonoch yn derbyn 2 linc os yw'r athrawon yn cynnal y noson dros ddwy noson (Nos Fawrth a Nos Fercher). Os oes problem yna cysylltwch gyda'r swyddfa. A fyddech cystal a dewis eich amseroedd cyn gynted a sy'n bosibl. Diolch yn fawr.
Our new parents evening online booking system is now live! If you have supplied us with your email you should receive a link (check your junk mail if not). Click on the link and choose the most convenient time for you to attend. Some of you may receive 2 links if some teachers are holding their evenings over 2 nights (Tuesday and Wednesday). If there is a problem then please contact the school office. Thank you.
M Tomos